Exchanges and cooperation
Our teachers participate in different initiatives and relevant projects mainly in the area of FNS, which also facilitates the capture of students and capillarization of the course in our city and state as well as listening to the demands of the area and society. An important action that enables us to cooperate in conducting the course and attracting students is our participation as signatories of the Alliance for Adequate and Healthy Eating and the Front for the Regulation of the Private Public Relations in Food and Nutrition, which allows us to contact various civil organizations, professional associations, as well as professionals, social movements working in the area of FNS and seeking to enhance public policies in the area of food and nutrition.
Other important actions that put us in permanent exchange of experiences and sharing of actions is the participation of teachers in the Coordination Team of the “Eat for What?” Movement, which aims to promote adequate and sustainable food among young Brazilians. This movement is the result of a technical cooperation between Ministry of Social Development (MDS) and UFRJ-Macaé in partnership with UNIRIO and UERJ. The participation of teachers in the CALU - Collaborative University Food Environment Study Group composed of researchers from UFRJ (Campus Fundão and Macaé), UNIRIO, UFF and UERJ, which aims to develop healthy and sustainable university food environments is another important initiative in the field. development of studies that corroborate the research line thought for this Program.
Another initiative considered strategic is the participation of one of the Program's teachers as mediator of Regional Seminars on Food and Nutrition Education (EAN) + Institutional Procurement of the Food Acquisition Program (CI-PAA), held in 15 Brazilian capitals with the objective of sensitize managers and professionals from the Health, Education and Social Welfare sectors, as well as from civil society organizations in the SAN area. These seminars are part of a technical cooperation between the Ministry of Social Development (MDS) and the Federal Council of Nutritionists. This action helps a lot in publicizing the program proposal and, therefore, in attracting students. Other partnerships should be highlighted and many of our program staff work in collaboration with other teaching and research institutions, such as: Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Rio de Janeiro Federal University (UFRJ), and social representation as the State's National Food and Nutrition Security Council and Municipality of Rio de Janeiro (CONSEARJ, CONSEA - Rio), the Brazilian Forum on Food and Nutrition Sovereignty and Security and the Parliamentary Front for Food and Nutrition Security.
It is worth mentioning the presence of professors from the University, especially from the School of Nutrition with CONSEA, as this is a space for articulation between state and municipal governments with civil society and federal government, with the function of proposing policies, programs and actions. that configure the citizen's right to adequate food. This allows a better and greater articulation between academia, the public authorities and civil society, which may encourage the production of interventions in the area by professionals.
In addition to the partnerships mentioned above, we have important cooperation with the Institute of Nutrition Annes Dias of the Municipal Health Secretariat of Rio de Janeiro, highlighting the initiative to develop educational materials for the network under Primary Care, the Municipal Secretary of Health itself. and the Regional Council of Nutritionists (CRN-4), having in it a School teacher who participates in the current management of the Council as Vice-President and another teacher as a collaborator of the Vocational Training Commission, which facilitates the definition of qualification demands. and recruitment of professionals regarding continuing education.
The Industry Social Service (SESI-RJ) also expressed interest in supporting PPGSAN after meeting with the School of Nutrition / UNIRIO Board and the university has a partnership and agreement established with the Rio de Janeiro Bar and Restaurant Union (SINDRio) . The FIRJAN System is an important partner of companies in the State of Rio de Janeiro in the pursuit of development and among the five organizations that make up this system, SESI develops actions for the promotion of health, education, sport, leisure and culture aimed at workers and to the communities in which they operate. The organization also operates in the areas of occupational health, occupational safety and environmental protection, with operating units throughout the state. SENAC is a reference in vocational education focused on the demands of the world of work in various areas, offering technical qualification, undergraduate, postgraduate, specialization and distance education programs.
Thus, professionals seeking SESI and SENAC could be candidates for PPGPSAN proposing jointly diagnostic and intervention actions to the reality of the professional master's work scenario. UNIRIO also presents several agreements and technical cooperation, among which we highlight the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) in order to establish integration efforts aimed at strengthening human resources training and research development activities, the Universitá di Bologna (Italy). ), where is the Italian-Brazilian Laboratory of Collective Health that develops joint activities related to the formation of professionals in the Italian and Brazilian health systems and also the Universidad Central - Colombia, Universidad de Valladolid, University of Navarra - Spain, University of La Republic - Uruguay, University of Coimbra - Portugal, Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, University of Bologna, University Nova Lisboa and the University Degli Studi di Roma Foro Italico, as well as the agreements and cooperation from the CNPq de SAN Notice under UNASUR: District University of Colombia, with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), University of Brasilia (UnB), Universidad Surcolombiana (USCO), Universidad Catolica del Uruguay, FAO - United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the University of Brasilia, through the Food and Nutrition Security Policy Observatory. Finally, we highlight the important partnership established with the Observatory of Food and Nutrition Security, National Institute of Social Development Ministry (Uruguay).
These international partners are of great importance to PPGSAN as they represent future possibilities for exchange of Brazilian students seeking experiences from other countries with high levels of development.