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Subjects Program

Compulsory / Elective / Credits / Workload / Basic Bibliography / Supplementary Bibliography


Dissertation papers I

* Description: Analysis of research development; discussion and monitoring of conceptual and methodological tools specific to the object, monitoring of fieldwork; discussion of research results. * Methodology: Guidance for the development of research, based on the student-advisor interaction and covering contextualized discussions on the subject of study, data analysis and dissertation development. * Evaluation: Continuous assessment of research progress. Proper preparation of the dissertation, in a format appropriate to the Postgraduate Program Regulations


Dissertation papers II

* Description: Analysis of research development; discussion and monitoring of conceptual and methodological tools specific to the object, monitoring of fieldwork; discussion of research results. * Methodology: Guidance for the development of research, based on the student-advisor interaction and covering contextualized discussions on the subject of study, data analysis and dissertation development. * Evaluation: Continuous assessment of research progress. Proper preparation of the dissertation, in a format appropriate to the Postgraduate Program Regulations


Advanced seminars on I Food And Nutritional Safety

* Description: Food and nutritional insecurity (IAN) in the world context and in Brazil. Historical and decisive processes of the IAN situation: food production, distribution, marketing, supply and access. Concepts and assumptions related to the contemporary discussion on Food and Nutrition Security (SAN), food sovereignty and impacts on human health. New ways and new technologies for food production / development. * Methodology: Expository lectures using multimedia and discussion of scientific articles. Field visits in areas of knowledge construction on the subject of SAN. * Evaluation: Work presentation and discussion of seminar themes.


Advanced seminars on II Food And Nutritional Safety

* Description: The research project and the scientific writing. Research Ethics. Problem construction, definition of objectives, theoretical framework, literature review, study justification, methodological options, research implications. Analysis of pre-master’s projects. * Methodology: From the pre-research projects of the master's students to exercise reflection and discussion about the specificity of research in FNS and analyze aspects such as problematization, theoretical framework and operational instances necessary for its feasibility. * Evaluation: Active participation in classroom discussions on topics and activities. The evaluation will be carried out throughout the teaching / learning process, so that the student can review, complement and correct the direction of his research proposal. The students and teachers responsible for the course themselves will indicate adjustments and possibilities for improvement in the research project and the master's students, by indication of their advisors, will define the paths to be adopted. The final product of the Seminar will be the Research Project, to be delivered on a previously agreed date.


Food and Nutrition Security Policies and Actions

* Description: Food and Nutrition Security (SAN) in Brazil and Latin America: concepts, historical processes of public policy construction. Indicators for monitoring and evaluation of SAN public policies. Food and Nutrition Insecurity (IAN) and Human Right to Adequate Food (DHAA). SAN in Sustainable Development Objectives(ODS) Sustainability, territories and local SAN policies. * Methodology: Lecture and dialogue, reading and discussion of the texts proposed in conversation. * Evaluation: Presentation of a group seminar prepared from the State and Municipal SAN Plans with a view to deepening the sector based on the performance profile of the class (health and nutrition, agriculture, institutional purchasing, among others) and preparation of an individual portfolio that seeks to analyze the articulation of the subject content with the student's object of study.


Research Methodology and Creation Processes

* Description: Studies and research: theoretical and methodological instruments. Knowledge as understanding and transformation of reality. Scientific research: concept and paradigms. Types of Study Designs. Data Analysis: quantitative and qualitative. Creation processes and strategies for creating. Bibliographic research: execution and communication of results. The ABNT Scientific Report and Standards. * Methodology: Lectures and reading and discussion of articles and texts. Data manipulation and analysis at the Computer Lab. * Evaluation: Text production linked to the project to be developed in the Master


Professional Topics in Food and Nutrition Security

* Description: This is a discipline that will allow the student to participate in actions of research, teaching and extension projects developed by teachers of PPGSAN, which address the theme of SAN. * Methodology: Practical subject whose dynamics will depend on the project to which the student will be linked. * Evaluation: Participation and performance in actions. Commented synthesis writing of the developed activities.


Healthy and sustainable food systems

* Description: Approach of the Food System in its entirety. Solidarity economy. Role of Family Farming in Sustainable Healthy Food Production. Solidary Economic Enterprises focusing on the SAN. Family Agroindustry’s and value addition. Agroecology as an alternative for building healthy and sustainable food systems; Food is Heritage: sustainable ways of producing, living and eating; social construction of agri-food markets; Social construction of food quality from the perspective of food sovereignty and security; Feminist economics: contributions to a debate on sustainable and healthy food systems; The power of food: reflections on inequalities and food systems; Food supply; Eat as a political act; Food systems and the connection between agriculture and nutrition; The impacts of pesticides on sovereignty and food and nutritional security. * Methodology: Lecture and dialogue, reading and discussion of the texts proposed in conversation. * Evaluation: Active participation in classroom discussions on topics and activities. Presentation of group seminar.


Eating practices in population groups

* Description: Monitoring actions of eating practices. Methods of assessment of eating practices. Eating behavior in the field of sociology, economics, psychology and sustainability; Food practices, marketing and media. Breastfeeding and food introduction in children under one year. Food and Nutrition in child growth and development. Eating habits, food consumption and nutrition of adolescents. Food and nutrition and their relationship with NCDs in the adult population. Eating practices of the elderly and their relationship with physiological, pathological, neuromotor aspects. Population food guides. * Methodology: Lectures, dynamics, reading and discussion of scientific articles. * Evaluation: Written evaluation and discussion of seminar themes.


Handling and preserving safe and healthy foods

* Description: Evolution of food handling and processing. Food safety, focusing on South American resolutions. Legal norms for the process of elaboration and the forms of storage and conservation of food. Recognition of hygiene care and food handling for the prevention of disease and food poisoning. Application of knowledge of microbiology in ensuring hygiene and safety in food production. Application of technology knowledge in food preservation. * Methodology: Expository lectures using multimedia; Practical classes to be held at the Food Technology Laboratories, Food Hygiene Laboratory and UNIRIO School Restaurant; Reading and discussion of scientific articles. * Evaluation: Preparation and presentation of scientific project related to the subject of the discipline; Written test.


Food and Nutrition Security Management

* Description: Module I: Fundamentals of Food Safety Management, International Food Safety Management Standards, Leadership and Organizational Management, People and Team Leadership, Strategic Planning and Management, Food Quality Management and Financial Management. Module II: Food Acquisition Program, direct and institutional purchases of Family Farming. Short circuits of food production, supply, distribution and consumption. Public and community food preparation and distribution equipment. Food prices and impacts on the supply and availability of healthy food. Assessment of food loss and waste. Development of technologies that reduce SAN waste and waste. * Methodology: Lectures, reading and discussion of scientific articles. * Evaluation: Previous reading of articles based on script; Presentation of articles (in groups); Written assessment.


Food and Nutrition Education from a Food and Nutrition Security Perspective

* Description: Interface between education, human right to adequate food and Sovereignty and FNS. History, concept, principles and policies of Food and Nutrition Education (EAN). Fields of practice and partnerships for carrying out EAN actions. Mobilization and communication in EAN. The formation of the educator. Professional training and popular education of SAN actors. The complexity of the food issue and the determinants of eating practices and behaviors. Promotion of adequate and healthy food at various stages of the life cycle and population groups. SAN methods, approaches and educational resources. * Methodology: Dialogue exhibition; reading and discussion of texts using active methodologies; dynamics for introduction and reflection of themes; video projection for debate. * Evaluation: Active participation in classroom discussions on topics and activities. Portfolio development.


Control and prevention of diseases resulting from poor diet

* Description: Nutritional Evaluation of health promotion and FNS collectivities. Food Consumption and Physical Activity. Social, political, economic and cultural determinants for the study of overweight, obesity and non-communicable chronic diseases. Consumer law, food labeling, advertising and food advertising. National and South American food guides. Interventions in food and health in life cycles. * Methodology: Expository lectures using multimedia, dynamics, reading and discussion of scientific articles. Field visits in areas of knowledge construction on the theme "control and prevention of diseases resulting from poor diet". * Evaluation: Presentation of work and clinical cases.


Biosafety: Focusing on Food Security and GMOs

* Description: Biosafety Principles, Safety Equipment, Biosafety Level 1, 2, 3, and 4, Risk Analysis, Disinfection and Sterilization, Good Laboratory Practice, Food Safety and Toxicity, Obtaining Transgenic Plants, Types of Existing Transgenics, Biosafety in Brazil. * Methodology: Lectures with multimedia use and reading and discussion of scientific articles. * Evaluation: presentation of work in the formatting of a scientific article


Food Environments as Promoters of Food and Nutrition Security

* Description: Theoretical references for thinking about the food environment. Study of the interaction between environment (context) and health. Models of social epidemiology, territory, ecological model, urban health. Methodological approaches used to study the food environment and to analyze its relationship with health and nutrition. Epidemiological studies (observational and intervention). Relevance, opportunity and potential for the implementation of local actions and public policies related to the food environment. * Methodology: Seminar with national and international researchers working on the theme; Dialogue presentation of the course topics; Presentation and discussion of articles related to the course theme and, when appropriate, instruments used in student research projects; and Practical activity of observing eating environments. * Evaluation: Previous reading of articles based on script; Presentation of articles (in groups); Written assessment.