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Student Teaching Internship


It allows approximation with the teaching daily professional life activities as a strategy for training university professors (teaching-research-extension) with awareness of the teaching quality (Graduation and Postgraduation). It also promotes the teaching and professional practice exchange. It is carried out during the master's training process, with 30 hours workload. It is the responsibility of the graduate student:

  1. Develop teaching activities by following the professor, improving learning and pedagogical skills;
  2. Participate, plan, teach, and prepare test questions in the Nursing Undergraduate Courses at APNS;
  3. Give a statement on the Bachelor Final Paper or participate in the Nursing Undergraduate Examining Board
  4. Participate with your advisor in theoretical-practice and practice in communities, in the Family Health Strategy, in health clinics, in hospitals and other environments where nursing actions are developed
  5. Apply didactic-pedagogical techniques;
  6. Know and apply teaching-learning process steps;
  7. Improving, through practice, oratory, and decision-making techniques with pedagogical bases.


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