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Research Lines and Projects


Below, there is information about the two research lines with their course syllabus. In each line, below, there are the research projects and their respective professors:

Research Line n.1 “Nursing: Knowledge and Practices of Caring and Being Care” has in its syllabus the studies aims related to the people’s v in their different dimensions of living and being. Investigation of new technologies and health information involving professionals and clients in different environments of caring and administration.

  1. Research project: “The impact of educational technologies applied by nurses on the continuity of care” - Dra. Ana Cristina Silva Pinto.
  2. Research project: “Proposition of the management function in the nursing daily life” - Dra. Beatriz Gerbassi Costa Aguiar.
  3. Research project: “The (im)possible comfort from nursing care in the face of hard technologies in the ICU” - Dr. Carlos Roberto Lyra da Silva.
  4. Research project: “HIV / AIDS Process Innovation and Sustainability, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil” - Dra. Fabiana de Assumpção Barbosa.
  5. Research project: “Statistical and computational methods application for planning, monitoring, and analysis in the health studies” - Dra. Luciane de Souza Velasque; Dr. Dalmo Valério Machado; Dr. Alexandre Sousa da Silva; Dra. Glória Regina da Silva e Sá; Dra. Bianca Ramos Marins Silva.
  6. Research project: “Nursing environment reconfiguration based on new information and communication technologies in care practice insertion” - Dr. Luiz Carlos Santiago; Dra. Priscila de Castro Handem.
  7. Research project: “Systematization of Nursing Care, Theories and Technologies in Different Population Groups” - Dra. Priscilla Alfradique de Souza.
  8. Research project: “Realistic Simulation as an Active Methodology in Undergraduate and Postgraduate Teaching at Alfredo Pinto Nursing School” - Dra. Renata Flávia Abreu da Silva; Dra. Vanessa Almeida Ferreira Corrêa.
  9. Research project: “Quality and Patient Safety, and Management of Risks Related to Health Care” - Dra. Renata Flávia Abreu da Silva; Dra. Vanessa Almeida Ferreira.
  10. Research project: “Economic and health technology assessment in the SUS scope” - Dr. Roberto Carlos Lyra da Silva; Dr. Thiago Quinellato Louro.
  11. Research project: “Nursing care for people with disabilities in the community: inclusion through nursing functional autonomy and license for professionals caregivers” – Dr. Wiliam César Alves Machado.


Research Line n.2 “Health, History, and Culture: Knowledge in Nursing”
has in its syllabus the studies aims related to the care and the profession history, and health needs and population living conditions in different environment and cultural diversities.

  1. Research project: “Sexual and reproductive health as women and men’ right in primary health care” - Dra. Adriana Lemos Pereira; Cláudia Regina Santos Ribeiro.
  2. Research project: “Nursing professionals Care and skills in women's health” - Dra. Cristiane Rodrigues da Rocha.
  3. Research project: “Current Brazilian perinatal nursing care perspectives: reflections on nursing care” - Dra. Inês Maria Meneses dos Santos.
  4. Research project: “Caring History in micro and macromolecular aspects: practices, knowledge and institutions” - Dr. Fernando Porto; Dra. Andreia Neves de Sant’Anna; Dr. Luiz Henrique Chad Pellon.
  5. Research project: “Child development in the health-disease process context: subsidies for nursing care for children and their families” - Dra. Laura Johanson da Silva.
  6. Research project: “Syphilis in the life cycle: interfaces between health and education” - Dra. Leila Rangel.
  7. Research project: “Paths, challenges, and perspectives in health surveillance: the situation in Rio de Janeiro city - Dra. Mary Ann Menezes Freire.
  8. Research project: “Health care and the coping with gender violence: strategies for primary care assistance” - Dra. Simone Mendes Carvalho.
  9. Research project: “Women's health in their life cycle: biological, social and cultural aspects” - Dra. Selma Villa Boas Teixeira.
  10. Research project: “Care models in oncology” - Dra. Sonia Regina de Souza.


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