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The PPGENF auto-evaluation process has been gaining form and progressively integrating the entire social program body culture: professors, students, technical-administrative staff, and postgraduates, ensuring the participation and these different actors’ voice. The PPGENF Auto-evaluation Committee has been improving the systematization the auto-evaluation process in line with a document prepared by the CAPES Postgraduate Programs Auto-evaluation Work Group (Ordinance 149/2018). The external evaluation CAPES requirements in the area form and UNIRIO Institutional Development Plan (2017-2021). Regarding the latter one, the PPGENF Auto-evaluation Committee derives and adapts the auto-evaluation concept, which consists of a systematic, methodical, organized, and intentional reflection process that enables PPGENF to turn to itself in the pursuit of quality training, transparency, and commitment to social change.

The Swot Matrix (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) has been used as a tool for collecting and analyzing data, which considers the Internal Environment analysis to determine strengths and weaknesses. While the External Environment analysis enables the opportunities and threats’ understanding and definitions. These data are relevant to support strategic planning for performance improvement and optimization.

Information on the auto-evaluation process fundamentals is in the document below, and the results are in the collected data reports sent on the Sucupira Platform (Platform for the Evaluation of Graduate Education in Brazil).

Auto-evaluation Fundamentals


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