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Research Groups

por PPGEdu publicado 05/12/2022 10h15, última modificação 13/11/2023 10h23


Conexão Research Groups



01_CACE - Comunicação, Audiovisual, Cultura e Educação     CACE - Communication, Audiovisual, Culture and Education


This group investigates image in education, with emphasis on children, young individuals and teachers’ relationships with these images, in everyday life. We work with the ‘living methodology’ by Fernando Hernandez, as well as with the conversation methodology mainly focused on images presenting research subjects, and with ways of seeing, producing and learning from images in educational contexts.

Research lines:

1. Educational Practices, Languages and Technology

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Adriana Hoffmann Fernandes

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17_Aprendizagem em rede - GRUPAR     Network learning – GRUPAR


GRUPAR was launched in 2009. It investigates teaching in multiple spaces and segments, as well as movements and implications of contemporary times for education. It understands that Digital Culture is built by social subjects, as well as that learning processes, from the open and hybrid education perspectives, should be integrated to performed studies and research. It uses contributions from several knowledge fields, such as Pedagogy, Philosophy, Neuroscience, Psychology, Arts, Communication, among others. Its members, researchers, professors, as well as basic and higher education students, are involved and active in national (ANPED, ABCIBIR, among others) and international research networks, such as Regiet and Colearn. They investigate and co-create open learning environments, such as POMAR.

Research lines:

1. Contemporary teaching

2. Online education

3. Information and Communication Technologies in Education

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Adriana Rocha Bruno

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18_FRESTAS - Formação e Ressignificação do Educador, Saberes, Trocas, Arte e Sentidos     FRESTAS: Formation and resignification of educators, knowledge, exchanges, art and senses


FRESTAS group has started its activities in 2014. Its original group comprised teachers who worked with Basic Education in Rio de Janeiro Public School Network and who joined the extension course focused on matters of Body and Arts, in the MEC/UNIRIO partnership. It was consolidated as time/space for investigations about the link between art and education, and matters of the body and movement in school daily life and in teachers’ education, from the research-formation perspective, according to which, research and extension are intertwined and constantly feed one another. Among its aims, one finds: investigating teachers’ education by taking into consideration the space of both art and corporeality in formative spaces, as well as in schools’ daily routine and practices. It also works with biographical/autobiographical perspectives that take into account individuals trajectories and narratives in the process to build their subjectivities.

Research lines:

1. Body and Movement in Teacher Education

2. Dialogues Between Art and Education

3. Aesthetic Education in Training Provided to Teachers and Children

4. Pedagogical Practices in Child Education

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Adrianne Ogêda Guedes

PhD. Professor Priscilla Menezes

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20_LAPEAr      Laboratory of Actions and Research in Environmental Education - LAPEAr


It investigates environmental and non-formal environmental education policies and practices, in school contexts associated with discipline matrix, with the implementation of practices, with teachers’ initial and continuous education, and with policies focused on these spaces. It also investigates environmental education policies and practices implemented in other environmental-interest territories, such as conservation units.

Research lines:

1. Práticas educativas, linguagens e tecnologia.

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Daniel Fonseca de Andrade

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19_GITAKA: "Infâncias, Tradições Ancestrais e Cultura Ambiental"     GiTaKa - Childhoods, Ancestral Traditions and Environmental Culture


It performs intervention-research in urban schools, as well in Indigenous and traditional territories, to promote daily routines committed to both children and territories’ integrity, by going in the opposite direction of the destructive colonialist capitalism logic. It operates in a network with living forces in society, mainly with educators and teachers from public, community and indigenous school education networks, besides promoting unwalling and decoloniality practices. Its research interests focus on fields, such as non-hegemonic philosophies and native epistemologies, as well as on authors committed to the childhood and ecology study fields. As member of the Childhood, Nature and Art Center (NiNA - Núcleo Infâncias Natureza e Arte), GiTaKa develops teaching/extension actions aimed at connecting individuals to nature, as well as to bodily, artistic and group political-empowerment experiences, based on decolonial-theoretical-playful training methodologies focused on dismantling the Eurocentric school model.It invests in creating a knowledge field that lies on the interface between Early Childhood Education and Environmental Education studies, based on principles, such as connection to nature, freedom, autonomy and collective belonging.

Research lines:

1. Early Childhood Environmental Education

2. Theoretical-playful decolonial education and training practices

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Léa Velocina Vargas Tiriba 

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03_GEPAC: Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Avaliação e Currículo      Study and Research Group in Assessment and Discipline Matrix (GEPAC)


This group is linked to the Post-Graduation Program in Education (PPGEDU) and to the Post-Graduation Program in Music (PPGM). Since 2010, it has trained more than forty masters and doctors, as well as developed research aimed at improving basic education, by promoting research on policies and practices focused on discipline matrix, learning assessment, external evaluation and pedagogical work organization, from social and cultural perspectives committed to education democratization practices. Its partnerships with University of the Azores (Azores, Portugal), University of Padua (Padua, Italy) and University of La Coruña (Galicia, Spain), as well as with Post-Graduation Programs in Education at UFF, UERJ, PUC-RIO and UFRJ, resulted in research projects funded by FAPERJ, CNPq and CAPES and in the production of a remarkable  number of articles and books in this field.

Research lines:

1. Teaching and Learning in Music

2. Policies and Practices in Education

3. Educational Practices, Languages and Technology

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Andréa Rosana Fetzner

PhD. Professor Claudia de Oliveira Fernandes

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04_Educação, Discurso e Mídia     Education, Discourse and Media


It focuses on knowledge construction at intersection points among language, media, arts, sciences and technologies, by taking into consideration educational and informational aspects, as well as possibilities to make changes in educational practices. It aims at developing new practices within the science education and communication scope, more specifically, at addressing the association between information and science education, as well as between arts and education.

Research lines:

1. Educational Practices, Languages and Technology

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Guaracira Gouvêa de Sousa (in memorian)

PhD. Professor Carmen Irene Correia de Oliveira

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05_Práticas Educativas e Formação de Professores     Educational Practices and Teacher Education


This group performs research in the initial and continuous teacher education, daily studies and discipline matrix fields. It shares its production in articles, books and events (national and international), as well as in research and extension activities, with State and Municipal Secretariats and schools, by critically addressing public policies in education. It develops an extension project together with CAP/UFRJ, CPedroII. It is linked to the Post-Graduation Program in the research line “Educational Practices, Languages and Technologies”, which encompasses both Master’s Degree (since 2004) and Doctoral students. Moreover, it is internationally linked to FORMAD (Teacher Training Network), as well as to AAACS, IAACS and AERA. It works in partnership with groups from UERJ, UFES, UFF, UBA/Argentina, Canada and USA.

Research lines:

1. Discipline Matrices, Training and Cognitive Justice

2. School, Daily Life and Teacher Education

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Maria Luiza Süssekind Verissimo Cinelli

PhD. Professor Carmen Diolinda da Silva Sanches Sampaio

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06_Grupo de Estudos em Educação Ambiental desde el Sur     Study Group in Environmental Education ‘desde el Sur’


The Study Group in Environmental Education ‘desde el Sur’ (GEASur) focuses on investigating pedagogical Environmental Education practices – both in formal and non-formal contexts - emerging in popular struggles, social movements, traditional populations, indigenous peoples and groups living under social and environmental vulnerability conditions in the Latin American scenario. It both reaffirms, and is inspired by, Paulo Freire’s ideals and principles, within the process to build its research, which is based on investigating pedagogies of environmental conflicts and interfaces between knowledge ecologies produced through conversations with folk wisdom masters, from interculturality and decoloniality perspectives adopted in the following thematic fields: Critical Environmental Education; Community-Based Environmental Education; Popular Education; Environmental Justice; Environmental Racism; Political Ecology; and Geopolitics and environment in Latin America. 

Research lines:

1. Environmental Education

2. Artistic Education

3. Inclusive Education

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Celso Sánchez Pereira

PhD. Professor Leonardo Villela de Castro

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07_Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Formação de Professores/as, Currículo (s), Interculturalidade e Pedagogias Decoloniais - GFPPD     Study and Research Group in Teacher Training, Discipline Matrix, Interculturality and Decolonial Pedagogies - GFPPD


The dimensions we are faced with are associated with the theoretical-political agenda to rearrange arguments we have been working with, from the critical and post-critical education perspectives. Therefore, we broaden the analyses on other epistemic boundaries to go beyond the walls of the social institution designed to certify social subjects. The aims are to follow processes focused on building other learning environments and to produce studies along with researchers who work in basic education, as well as with undergraduate students. This group is a locus for collaboration and expansion of education meanings focused on incorporating knowledge deriving from teaching practices and, consequently, on acknowledging other pedagogies and perceptions about knowledge to be taught at schools and universities.

Research lines:

1. Cultural studies, social movements, youth and counter-narratives in Education

2. Post-colonial/decolonial perspectives, discipline matrix proposals and other learning types

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Claudia Miranda

PhD. Professor Dilson Miklos Pereira

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08_Técnicas, Ciências e Artes     Techniques, Sciences and Arts


This group addresses associations among Techniques, Sciences and Arts to promote epistemological curiosity at different educational levels, based on adopting Gaston Bachelard’s epistemology, both from the epistemological profile and poetic image perspectives, which have been used to create categories of analysis applied to students’ literary, filmic and video productions. It aims to help training researchers and teachers who are committed to pursuit and defend teaching autonomy through creative and emancipatory actions.

Research lines:

1. Environment, Society and its Technologies

2. Teacher Training

3. Science and Art Relationship

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Maria Auxiliadora Delgado Machado

PhD. Professor Lucia Helena Pralon de Souza

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09_Políticas, Gestão e Financiamento em Educação (POGEFE)     Policies, Management and Funding in Education (POGEFE)


This group works in partnership with the School of Psychology and Educational Sciences of University of Coimbra, in different research fronts operating in the education policies and management field. Research carried out by it focuses on issues specifically referring to school management and full-time education programs and practices, democratic management and basic education assessment policies, among others.

Research lines:

1. Policies and practices in education (Doctorate)

2. Policies, history and culture in education (Masters’ Degree)

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Ana Cristina Prado de Oliveira

PhD. Professor Elisangela da Silva Bernado

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16_Grupo Interdisciplinar de Educação e Inclusão (GIEI)     Interdisciplinary Education and Inclusion Group (GIEI)


This group brings together researchers from national and international institutions. In Brazil: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State (UNIRIO), Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar ); in Chile: Sound Stimulation Project (PES); in Colombia: Francisco José de Caldas District University (UDFJC); in Spain: University of La Rioja; in Italy: Università Degli Studi di Roma ‘Foro Italico’ (UNIROMA); and in Mozambique: Pedagogical University.

GIEI’s aims comprise: promoting the exchange of knowledge, approaches, experiences, research results and practices focused on both education and inclusion at global level; promoting spaces for dialogue, reflection and analysis of public policies’ impact on education and inclusion processes, consolidating interinstitutional bonds to enable the exchange and outspread of actions and strategies to help building an inclusion culture, based on the will to build a fairer, as well as more sustainable and inclusive world. Inclusion is herein understood as reflections and practices aimed at serving people with disabilities and individuals living under economic, social and political vulnerability conditions.

Research lines:

1. Inclusion and Teacher Education 

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Diógenes Pinheiro

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10_Juventude: políticas públicas, processos sociais e educação     Youth: public policies, social processes and education


This group has been linked to the Post-Graduation Program in Education of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), since 2010. It involves researchers and students from different fields and with different experiences in interdisciplinary research production and interventions by combining research, extension and teaching. Its conductive axis is centered on discussions about public policies’ development in the countryside to bring education closer to youth when it comes to social relationships supporting them, as well as their subjects, needs, demands and territories, with emphasis on intersections with youth and adult education, higher education, rural education and education in social movements. Assessments and research produced by this group aim at promoting the construction, validity, monitoring and expansion of public youth policies with higher social quality.

Research lines:

1. Public Policies and Sociology of Education and Youth

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Eliane Ribeiro Andrade

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11_NEEPHI - Núcleo de Estudos Tempos, Espaços e Educação Integral     NEEPHI - Núcleo de Estudos Tempos, Espaços e Educação Integral


Grupo de pesquisa dedicado às questões do tempo, espaço e educação integral nas escolas. 

Research lines:

1. Políticas e Práticas em Educação

2. Políticas, história e cultura em Educação

Group leader(s):

Prof.ª Dr.ª Ligia Martha Coimbra da Costa Coelho

Prof.ª Dr.ª Janaina Specht da Silva Menezes

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12_Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em História da Educação Brasileira - NEPHEB/HISTEDBR     Center for Studies and Research on History of Brazilian Education - NEPHEB/HISTEDBR


NEpheB.UNIRIO was launched back in 2002 as Center for Studies in Brazilian Education – NEB -, and as work group (WG) in HISTEDBR/UNICAMP, where it developed research on the History and Philosophy of Education fields. In 2006, NEpheB was registered at CNPq Research Directory, as research group. NEpheB.UNIRIO, which is coordinated by PhD. Professor Nailda Marinho da Costa and by Professor José Damiro de Moraes (vice-coordinator), aims at reasoning about Brazilian education through historical, philosophical and sociocultural approaches; at proposing interdepartmental and interinstitutional research, whose study objects and different theoretical-methodological perspectives can bring advancements to this field. NEpheB is formed by PhD. professionals linked to Post-Graduation Programs, or not, who develop funded research. It operates in network with the HISTEDBR group, which has its headquarters at UNICAMP, as well as with 26 WG from different Brazilian universities, besides collaborating with CEPEMHEd.

Research lines:

1. Gender and Education

2. History of school institutions, practices and educational thinking

3. Times, spaces and concepts of integral education

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Nailda Marinho da Costa

PhD. Professor José Damiro de Moraes

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13_Ecoturismo e Desenvolvimento     Ecotourism and Development


This group develops research aimed at strengthening nature and ecotourism conservation policies to reason about and address the protection of natural conservation areas and traditional populations. It happens within the national context of encouragement given to large enterprises accounting for significant social and environmental impacts. More specifically, it aims at contributing to the theoretical-methodological, pedagogical, institutional and legal planning of ecotourism activities taking place in natural areas.

Research lines:

1. Ecotourism and post-extractivism

2. Brazilian nature conservation policy

3. Conservation units and large investment projects

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Rodrigo Machado Vilani

PhD. Professor Daniel Fonseca de Andrade

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14_Educação Infantil e Políticas Públicas - EIPP      Early Childhood Education and Public Policies - EIPP


The EIPP group is a strand of Jipse Center – Youth and Childhood, which has been operating at UNIRIO Post-graduation Program in Education, since 2009. Because it encompasses specific projects – funded by CNPq (2008/2010; 2018/2020) and FAPERJ (JCNE -2012/2014 and 2015/2017; CNE 2021/2024) – focused on investigating childhood educational actions, it was imperative forming a group focused on childhood and public policies targeting this generational stage, which has specific demands. In addition to conducting research, EIPP operates in different courses at PPGEDU, in cultural training and educational action projects, besides counseling public networks, MEC and social movements by having childhood rights and Brazilian education as its main topics. It works in partnership with municipal secretariats in discussions held with teachers and managers, as well as in interinstitutional partnership with INFOC (PUC-Rio). It has also been developing research together with NEPEI (UFMG) and LEDUC (UFRJ) in the reading and writing scope in Early Childhood Education, since 2013.

Research lines:

1. Policies on Education

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Maria Fernanda Rezende Nunes

PhD. Professor Marina Pereira de Castro e Souza

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15_Grupo de Estudos e pesquisas sobre Juventude, Escola, Trabalho e Território (JETT)    Study and Research Group on Youth, School, Labor and Territory (JETT)


Based on databases comprising defined sets of the population of young individuals living in the country, this group focuses on investigating changes resulting from processes that, within their limits and contradictions, enabled these individuals to join institutions and processes that were previously restricted to a small number of young Brazilian citizens. It also investigates ruptures imposed on this process in recent years. Studies conducted by it aim at investigating the relative role played by schools (in their partnership with other youth socialization institutions) in these individuals’ transitional processes up to adulthood. In order to do so, this group operates by building and implementing databases to subsidize research conducted by it by building analytical maps of public policies, mainly of those focused on both youth and its study and work conditions; as well as by building interview banks to enable young individuals to talk about problems of their time.

Research lines:

1.Socio-spatial inequalities and juvenile socialization processes

2.School transitions

3.School-work relationship

Group leader(s):

PhD. Professor Mônica Dias Peregrino Ferreira

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