◉ Mission
Contributing to the elaboration, implementation and evaluation of public policies focused on ecotourism and sociobiodiversity conservation.
◉ Course’s aim
The general aim of the Post-Graduation Program in Ecotourism and Conservation (PPGEC - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecoturismo e Conservação) is to qualify professionals to guide the elaboration, implementation and evaluation of public policies focused on developing tourism in protected areas of relevant tourism interest, in order to contribute to the environmental, social and economic sustainability of this activity and, therefore, to promote the conservation of the country’s environmental and cultural heritage and the appreciation of receiving communities.
◉ Expected outcomes
The main outcomes expected by PPGEC comprise the qualification of ecotourism planning and management to enable efficient, coherent and ethical decision-making; deepening scientific knowledge about ecotourism and conservation, since they are equally important; developing skills, competences and values to enable a broad, multidimensional, interdisciplinary perspective to help tourism and conservation managers and planners to perceive these activities in their complexity, as well as to think and implement management strategies to promote sustainability.
◉ Profile of the professional to be trained
Professionals with Master’s Degree in Ecotourism and Conservation will be able to survey data necessary to acknowledge areas of tourism interest, to analyze scenarios in order to develop and implement tourism management systems, to assess the environmental impacts of sectoral policies and investment projects on protected areas of tourism interest, as well as to promote the appreciation of traditional knowledge and protection of natural and cultural heritage by implementing environmental education and interpretation principles, values, methods and techniques. These professionals will be qualified to hold public job positions in different Public Management sectors and levels, in technical advisory services provided for the Judiciary and Legislative powers, in the third sector and in private institutions.
◉ Summarized description of the course-offering plan
Selection process will take place on a yearly basis through public notice. Classes will start in the semester following the one when selection took place. Students must attend 30 credits over four semesters: 6 credits associated with 2 mandatory disciplines (90 hours), 14 credits associated with elective disciplines (210 hours) and 10 additional credits associated with the Preparation and Defense of the Course Completion Work (150 hours). Disciplines will be preferably offered on Mondays and Tuesdays. Eventually, they may be offered in a condensed way, at other days and times, or outside UNIRIO.
PPGEC | Unirio
Professional Master’s Degree in Ecotourism and Conservation
2022 © PPGEC Developed with Plone by Renato Mauro