Portal UnirioGuia Telefônico Contatos
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      Qualify professionals for the Hospital Space with the acquisition of a high level of competence in the development of their practical skills and research in the health field. 

 Specific objectives

  • To develop interventional studies based on the evidence identified in the practice that results in benefits not only for the area of knowledge of each one, but for clients of hospital care at local/institutional and regional level. 

  • To contribute to the theoretical development of the field of Health in the Hospital Space, in order to deepen and broaden the theoretical-conceptual and methodological bases on which the care, diagnosis and treatment actions are based in the different hospital spaces.

  • Develop research consistent with the functions and policies of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS).

  • To attend the orientation of production of technological innovation (hard, light-hard, light) in the hospital space from identified evidences.

  • To create a study and work group that values interdisciplinarity and technological innovation as work and production frameworks.