Portal UnirioGuia Telefônico Contatos
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Innovation / Networking Portal


Platform composed of portfolios of innovative technological productions for the hospital area, developed at PPGSTEH/UNIRIO, in order to seek public and/or private partnerships for conceptual or organizational improvement.


To seek public and/or private partnerships, national or international, in accordance with the Brazilian industrial policy and with the regiments of the Technological Innovation Center (NIT) of UNIRIO. 

Insertion of Technological Productions:

The technical productions are registered by the teaching staff of the PPGSTEH/UNIRIO. After the validation of the sufficiency of information carried out by the Innovation Committee of the PPGSTEH. The projects presented are in the "product summary/innovative proposal" format, validated by the PPGSTEH/UNIRIO coordinator and group of coordinators. Subsequently, the material is partially publicized.

a) Communication Technologies in the Hospital Space

b) Educational Technologies/social insertion

c) Assistive Technologies

d) Management Technologies