Portal UnirioGuia Telefônico Contatos


Should I seek an advisor before signing up?

No. Teachers will not be able to provide any kind of guidance regarding the tests, nor guarantee the availability of vacancies. Look for the research line in which you are interested and check the vcurrículo lattes  of the  professores in order to gauge  the affinity of the research of each one with your own research


How is the advisor chosen?

The advisors who opened vacancies will read the projects and declare whether or not they are available to accept it


Is it possible to not be approved in the phase of the selection of projects due to lack of an available advisor?

Yes. Article 29 of the PPGM regulation states that:


If the candidate's research proposal does not fall into one of the Research Lines of the PPGM or in the specialty and / or interest of a Professor/Advisor, they will not be accepted into the Course, regardless of the classification in the Selection of Projects phase. 

For this reason it is important to consult the Currículo Lattes of the advisors in order to evaluate the suitability of your research project to theirs. 


What is the difference between the Academic and Professional Masters?

In the Academic Master's program, the final work must be a text that contains theoretical and critical arguments on a given theme. The main objective is not necessarily to offer answers, but to reflect critically on a subject.

In the Professional Master's, the final work is a product, for example, a textbook or a website for studies. For more information, consult the website of PROEMUS (http://www.unirio.br/proemus)


Is it possible to audit a course?

Yes, as long as there are vacancies and the teacher accepts. Those interested should consult the list of courses that will be offered for the following semester on the website of the PPGM,  and contact the secretary for further information.


What is the difference between the auditing student and the special student?

The listener only participates in classes, without the  obligation to deliver papers or attendance. 

The special student makes a request to enroll with the secretary of the PPGM and has the same obligations as all registered students in regards to attendance and the  presentation of work . The PPGM establishes a calendar for the registration of special students, which always occurs at the beginning of the semester. Approval to register depends on the acceptance of the teacher. 

For more information, write to the office of the secretary at the end of February or the end of July, that is, before the beginning of the semester in question: ppgm.secretaria@unirio.br


How do I prepare my currículo Lattes?

Enter the CNPQ  Lattes Platform page (http://lattes.cnpq.br/) and register your resume. The process  is self-explanatory and there is space to insert all academic experiences. For examples and models,  in “search for curriculum”, seek out the curriculums  of professors of the program and/or known authors 


How should the pre- project be structured?

The project must contain:

-Title, summary and three to five keywords.

-Presentation of the theme, bringing some relevant studies and authors from the area. In other words, a brief review of the literature should be presented in order to demonstrate that the most relevant research is known. The justification for the study (can be made from the proven scarcity of material) and the relevance of the study to the area.

-Objective objective/s of what you propose to study. The objective/s can also be presented in order to answer some questions.

-The study method that is intended to achieve the objectives.

-Possible contributions to the advancement of knowledge in the area;

- Work schedule throughout the course

At the end of the project, in addition to the References (authors cited in the text), a bibliography of texts yet to be read can be presented.

The text should be written following the norms  of the National Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). 

The PPGM website also provides a manual of standards (http://www.unirio.br/ppgm/arquivos/normas-apresentacao-trabalho-final)


-How can I learn more about a particular topic of study? 

Choose a general topic of interest and search the music journal sites, in Annals of Music Congresses, as well as the CAPES Thesis and Dissertation Bank. This can help you find the keywords for your theme. Once chosen, check the list again to refine your search. Read the texts related to your topic in order to get to know the field and demonstrate in your project that you know the area and at least some main texts.

Main research sites in Brazil:

- CAPES Thesis and Dissertation Bank: http: //bancodeteses.capes.gov.br/banco-tese/#! /

- Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations: http://bdtd.ibict.br/vufind/

-National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Music-ANPPOM: http: //www.anppom.com.br/

- Brazilian Association of Ethnomusicology-ABET: https://pt-br.facebook.com/abetmusica/

- Brazilian Music Education Association - ABEM: http: //www.abemeducacaomusical.com.br

On the website below, you can find several links to periodicals in the Music area:


Another way  to get to know a certain topic better is to seek out the area of ​​interest and take a required course as a special student.


When are the announcements regarding the selection process published and how do I find out if the process is already open? 

The candidate must observe the page of the PPGM as of  the month of September (for the academic master's and doctorate) and around October for the Professional Master's. In general, the tests for the Academic Master's take place in December and the Professional Master's in January.  These dates are approximate; the candidate should confirm this information with the secretary of the respective programs. 

 Academic:       ppgm.secretaria@unirio.br
Professional:    proemus.secretaria@unirio.br