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  The proposal of the Postgraduate Program in Health and Technology in the Hospital Space - Professional Master's Degree Program was developed at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) since 2011, with the participation of Nursing, Medicine, Nutrition and Psychology professionals in order to implementation of an innovative proposal for research and intervention in the hospital space. We can see a profitable environment for the development of technical productions in the hospital area linked to the policies and strategies adopted at the national level. Throughout the process of formation of the Postgraduate Program in Heath, it is intended to provide teachers and students with subsidies for continuous improvement actions in the increasing search for the success of this modality of teaching and research. A concrete opportunity, which can benefit professionals from different areas of knowledge with research proposals in the hospital space.

 Logotipo do Programa de Pós Graduação em Saúde e Tecnologia no Espaço Hospitalar - Mestrado Profissional


Program Coordinator: Gisella de Carvalho Queluci, PhD

Course Coordinator: Inês Maria Meneses dos Santos, PhD


Course Coordinator - deputy: Davi da Silveira Barroso Alves, PhD

Secretary Department: Cinthia Keller dos Santos Rodrigues