In all fields of professional practice in FNS, the nutritional diagnosis, the monitoring of the nutritional situation and the evaluation of interventions in different population groups are fundamental. The relevance of recognizing nutritional status stems from the unquestionable influence it has on childhood growth and development on the one hand, and on the risks of morbidity and mortality of the population as a whole. By informing about the food, nutrition and health conditions of individuals and communities, the Nutritional Assessment methods are important tools in obtaining subsidies to guide intervention actions. The functioning of the laboratory, in addition to allowing more adequate instrumentation of the student as a whole, in the methods and techniques used to estimate the nutritional conditions of individuals and collectives, can enable an integration between community and university. At the same time it can strengthen postgraduate programs developed by the Faculty of Nutrition faculty by providing anthropometric equipment, body composition assessment, biochemical analysis and food consumption estimation software. The LAAN also enables the population, both internally and externally to UNIRIO, to access information on appropriate nutritional assessment techniques, as well as conducts for the prevention and treatment of eating disorders, through group and individualized care and educational activities that should be carried out. be developed with the participation of faculty and students.
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